Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ASL Deaf Christian resources

I wanted to point all those interested in their children learning to sign American Sign Language and interested in them also learning good Christian values (such as honesty, caring for others, fairness and obedience) to this charity website...

They have various dvds and also books for sale cheaply. The dvds have sound and music to keep hearing children interested. The following Big Bible Stories dvds are $10 each.

Big Bible Stories - Gideon

Big Bible Stories - Abraham

Big Bible Stories - Ruth

They sell other ASL christian dvds (, including the Dr Wonders Workshop TV series. The website has resources for children and free printables... The TV series is for both deaf and hearing children with English and Spanish captions. Check their website for TV stations near you (probably all in the US from what I can gather). For the rest of us, each 13-session series is $40USD.

Check out Youtube members DrWondersWorkshop and MGCmobile for more excerpts of episodes and songs. Also check out details of the Series One 13 episodes here..
There are plans to add descriptive narrative for blind children as well!

There is some interesting information on this website for children. For instance...
Q: Do Deaf people think in English?
A: You think in your primary language.
Just as hearing people “talk” to themselves by imagining the sounds of words in their heads, deaf people talk to themselves by imagining the signs. Some hearing people talk in their sleep. Some deaf people sign in their sleep.

You can also access free ASL videos including signed songs for children...

I have not received any kickbacks for mentioning these dvds and websites. They dont even know I've written about them...yet. I would like to buy some of these products down the track myself as they look educational and I would be supporting a good cause.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Still havent figured out how to make my links clickable! If anyone can tell me how to do that, I'd appreciate the help!