Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FRENCH resources Part 3

I found this site which is suitable for 3-7 year-old French-speaking kids, which would mean for non-French speaking children, the upper age limit would be extended. It teaches science, reading, english, music and more. http://www.genikids.fr/ states in its own words, for those who understand : activités ludo-éducatives pour enfants de 3 à 7 ans. apprendre en s'amusant avec des jeux de lettres, chiffres, sciences, anglais, coloriages, dessins, dinosaures, ect.

It is a site where your child will need a certain rudimentary knowledge of french in order to navigate, and so would you. I stumbled upon it via YouTube and let a French friend know. Here's what she kindly wrote back (copied and pasted with her permission).

You've made my day with the genikids website. This is what I've been looking for for such a long time. It's a very complete program. Well done.

There is a free access or a paying one. For the free access you click on 'Inscription gratuite'", fill in a simple form, validate the email they will send you. Then for each category, you need to look the 'gratuit' (free) icon. I've subscribed to the free access to have a peek.

First impression: the animations and pronunciation are great (i like that they are quite a few different voices).

In order from left to right:

For reading: ABC lettres
:  We did the zoo one (level 2). The kid selects an animal, and the name is broken into syllables. there is an option to print the animals. They will learn to read with this as well as the pronunciation. GI/RAFE : girafe, la girafe.

Chiffres: no free access to sample :-( They are many level available though! looks good!

For science: I watched the show about plants growing. Just need to click on 'suivant' (next) to navigate.

Couleurs:  Print and cut activities.

Music: we had a blast with the piano ! There is a free play option, or you can play a tune (each note as a specific letter).

For contes (fairy tales, but it's more stories): we had to watch a little animal wanting to go out in the cold, and her monkey friend told him to get dressed. The children need to put on the warm clothes in specific order. They have feuilletons (chapter stories) coming up.  Kids learn a lot of vocab with this type of exercises.

Decouvertes: ‘Le tour du monde’ (around the world) : a story, like a cartoon. 

Aire de jeu: We did ‘prepare a pizza’ : you need to select all the right answers from different options.

Petits futes (smart kids): We did the shape game: a shape is shown and we need to select the same one & we did the imitation game (the monkey imitates an animal the kid needs to recognise). Very cool games those two!

Dur, dur (hard, difficult): help banano find the bananas: (I did not understand this game).

Dinosaures: paying members only.

Genienglish: You wouldn't use this obviously :-) but we did all unit 1 and loved it.

I'm pretty sure an english speaking parent can work his way around the site. Once you're into a unit it's pretty obvious for a kid what's expected of them

'Gratuit' mean 'free'. "Suite" is "Next"
On the left tab you have:

Mon compte:
my account
S'abonner: subscribe
Mon carnet: my notebook (only for paying members)
Horloge parentale: parent click (to monitor the time spent on the site)

Site map

Fees (s’abonner)
: 9 euros a month (I’m guessing you won’t take the English learning option), 48 for 6 months, 84 euros/12 months.

end of her personal assessment.

I think that learning ANGLAISE (English) would be like an English person learning to read and probably be useful - especially for learning French while learning to read English. Best go judge for yourself, as I havent used this site yet but will start soon with my just-turned-3 year old. Here's an example of the ANGLAISE lessons:

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