Friday, October 15, 2010

Introducing my Munchkins

I wasn't planning to start my blog today. I just got an email letting me know of a GREAT competition so had to start my blog so I could enter it myself, and also let others know about it.
More about that later. But first, apologies that there is so little in my blog. Hey, it's amazing I actually found where to start typing. And now that I've done that, I'm sure it will be hard to shut me up.
I was looking into I'm sure it was blogspot a few weeks ago and located a fantastic template which would have suited my theme. Alphabet blocks for the background. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Where is it? Help? Because today I'm stuck with this background, and it is just not colourful enough for my tastes. Is there any way I can jazz up my profile like they do on MySpace, or is this it? (Snore).

Just to start off I'll post some pics of some offspring, and maybe get my blogroll happening. (is that the term for the other blogs I read?) I've been watching a LOT of blogs actually, but most of the blog-owners (what are they called?) wouldnt have known as I didnt subscribe. Boy, it's gonna be a long bloglist!!

The main reason I hadnt started my blog was because I couldnt figure out just the right NAME for it. Well, isn't it amazing what you can come up with under pressure. What just popped into my mind not even an hour ago really sums up what I'm about...producing amazing, intelligent Aussie kids.

1 comment:

Nadia said...

Hi, Nicole! Congratulations on starting your blog! I LOVE the name! I read your posts on brillkids :) The best of luck! NadiaD